The Clinical Massage Difference:
Massage therapy is known by many to increase circulation, decrease stress levels, and provide increased feelings of wellness. Studies over the years have shown that massage can help to boost your immune system, allow for a deeper and more rejuvenating sleep cycle, and assist with flexibility. What additional benefits can be seen with Clinical Massage Therapy?
Training for a degree in Clinical Massage Therapy emphasizes the importance of viewing the body as a wh
ole, rather than looking at different body systems as functioning separately. Clinical Massage Therapists are trained in assessing the client’s range of motion, performing a gait analysis, and applying techniques that restore the body back to a state of homeostasis.
The main difference that clients note after receiving a clinically based massage is that they feel better for a longer period of time. This is because the therapist is working specific muscle groups that are restricted on the client, decreasing strains which are felt throughout the body. Each session is based on individual client needs, rather than performing massage routines that do not take long term relief into consideration.
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