Simply Music is a remarkable piano program for children, teens, and adults. Students play songs of different genres (pop, classical, blues & Jazz , and accompaniment pieces), immediately, from their very first lessons! Students feel the absolute joy and satisfaction that comes from immediately learning how to play.
Inner Musician is a very unique improvisation program. Students uses musical motifs (chords, scales, riffs, and other musical concepts) to create music. It helps musicians to be cre
ative and to connect emotions with their music.
We valued music reading same as other musical skills. We want students to first enjoy playing, to use their creativity, and to flourish in different areas in music - not just reading music off a page.
Our fundamental goal is to maximize the likelihood of students acquiring and retaining music as their lifelong companion. Our practical goal is to develop musicians who can improvise, arrange, compose, interpret written music, and make music with other musicians.
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