I make custom Reborn Baby Dolls by special order. It will take up to 3 to 6 weeks because the hair is micro-rooted one strained at a time. Each Reborn is uniquely made and there is not a double. I use only Gensis Heat Set Paints (GHSP) for my little reborn baby's. Each baby has 5 to 8 layer's and each layer is baked to insure no chipping, or cracking.Every baby has vien's in all the baby places! Please keep out of Extreme exposure to heat and cold as this is not good on the vinyl.
It's excit
ing when a new reborn baby is born in the Nursery, each baby recieve's a name until he or she is adopted to their new mommies and their names can be changed at anytime!... As a new mommy you get to choose the Skin color, eye color, open or closed eye's, hair color and the size of your baby (preemie, 17"-18", 19"-22") I don't reborn any toddler size reborns at this time You also get to choose if you want your baby to have a magnet for a binky or for a hair bow you can pick both if you like. Each Reborn Baby is weighed just like a real baby. The head and body get poly pellets for that real baby weight feel and I have put poly pellet's in the arms and legs too. Beware that magnets should be kept away from microwaves, pace makers, and computers as magnets can stop them or make them glitch.
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