Since 1982, Michigan Antique Preservation has been a locally owned and operated antique conservation and restoration service for Wyandotte and surrounding areas. We pride ourselves on prompt, attentive service and flexible scheduling.
We provide antique conservation services for you furniture which combines cabinetry and finishing with modern science to provide sensitive treatments designed specifically for your antiques to keep them as original as possible. Michigan Antique Preservation can ev
en provide some of these services at your location. We will service, examine, preform an analysis, provide structural treatments finish and provide gilding treatments for your antiques.
We have also been a member of the Claims Prevention and Procedure Council (CPPC) since 1995. Michigan Antique Preservation offers complete services of repairs, inspections, photos, estimates, on-site repairs and 3rd party services. Even though our name says "antique, we'll handle everyday furniture as well.
Call Michigan Antique Preservation today to make an appointment! We are by appointment only and can provide weekend services as well.
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