"Empowering oneself through experience and knowledge is one of the first steps someone can take towards Enlightenment. My purpose is to assist others on their path towards Freedom and strength to get the results they deserved.
I am passionate about helping women achieve greatness within themselves! – to empower and guide you to the space that creates strength and wisdom to make the right choices. If you are committed to transforming your thought process and open to the expansion of your best sel
f, then call me and let’s get started on the best you yet!
Holistic Skin Care - Holistic facials are a complete package of organic ingredients. To awaken the senses for a healing effect throughout the body.
Christina's facial treatments nourishes and replenish the face, neck, scalp ,feet and hands for optimal results.
With 18 years in the industry. Christina brings her knowledge of essential oils, herbal remedies, mixed with grains and oats to accomplish a holistic approach towards nourishing the skin the largest organ of the body.
visit http://www.fleur-de-luna.com Is under construction we are working hard to get it completed. It will be a new and improved portal focusing on a Holistic approach to a Lifestyle that will optimize your Mind Body and Spirit! Stay tuned.
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