Hi Welcome to Toni’s Glamour Pets, Where every pet baby gets love and attention they deserved. Our Goal is to meet and greet every customer in a professional fashion. We love every pet that walks through our door, calm or active will be treated equal 🙂
We have passed now 1 Successful Year in Business with highest Customer Satisfaction Service in Grooming. We are able to do matted pet grooming, Even though we always suggest our customers to never let their pets get tangled or matted because it
is unsafe and very painful for them. Also it is lots of work and time for a groomer to be able to groom a Matted Dog. Safety is always our first priority.
Did you know there are 340 different dog breeds in the world and There are only 62 AKC Breeds in The United States of America. So what breed do you have?
Bring your pet babies to us. We will be more then happy to accommodate you.
Service With a Smile 😀
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