There is 1 doctor at this site. The office specializes in orthodontic treatment for children and adults. Surgery or general dentistry is not performed at this site. Dr. Soltmann's aim is to give each patient her full attention. Therefore, she schedules fewer patients than is the case in many other orthodontic offices. She values all of her patients and makes every effort to see them on time. Waiting times in Dr. Soltmann's office are generally very short. She is a "hands on" doctor and performs
many procedures herself instead of delegating to assistants.
The office offers traditional braces as well as clear braces, and the Invisalign appliance. Dr. Soltmann keeps up with new developments in the profession by attending continuing education programs regularly. As an adjunct faculty member at the UNC Dental School she has helped train many new orthodontists.
There is no charge for an initial visit to Dr. Soltmann's office. At this visit an overview of the patient's orthodontic needs will be presented, treatment options will be discussed, and an estimate of treatment time and cost given. Dr. Soltmann is a participating provider for various insurance plans.
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