Connections has been doing massages for over 20 years! Do you have back pain, shoulder pain, leg pain, neck pain or migraines? Come see us at Connections Massage Therapy where you will be assessed and treated using one of our proven techniques such as the Bowen Technique, the Onsen Technique, medical massage, reflexology, and pregnancy massage. We are the only massage therapy business in the Midwest who does the Bowen and Onsen Technique. Do you have sports injuries? Have you fallen and canno
t get rid of your persistent pain? Call Connections Massage Therapy to see your options before you make a drastic decision related to your injuries. Located in Des Moines, Iowa, Connections is centrally located on Ingersoll Avenue and does accommodate your schedule as best as possible.
Gordon Gymer LMT, COTT, CBT-I, CEMT-B, CREF, CTPT Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Onsen Technique Therapist, Certified Bowen Therapist-Instructor, Certified Emergency Medical Technician-B, Certified Reflexologist, Certified Trigger Point Therapist.
What is Bowen Therapy? The Bowen therapeutic technique was developed in Geelong, Victoria, Australia, by Tom Bowen; completely independent of any other modality. It is not based on any Oriental theory or system. It is based on clear cut anatomy and an astute knowledge of how the body functions and its components interact.
A series of simple, gentle, non-invasive moves done across muscle and connective tissue - usually with the client fully clothed. Rather than overpowering the body, these moves encourage and assist the body to heal itself.
All systems of the body are accessed allowing muscle and nerve tissue to relax - facial adhesions vanish - toxins are shed - circulation increases - and due to the dynamic nerve/energy pulse inherent only in "Bowen moves", the body becomes energized - re-balancing or reprogramming according to its own genetic blueprint of health. Simply put, Bowen Therapy uses a specific type of move to put each structural muscle group into neutral which allows the body to regain perfect muscle and structural balance.
Generally, relief is immediate with no recurring pain. Range and fluidity of motion are restored or enhanced rapidly - most injuries or conditions are alleviated in a minimal number of treatments.
What is the Onsen Technique? The Onsen technique is a combination of the therapeutic practices of Muscle Energy Technique, Post Isometric Relaxation and Transverse Friction Massage. This therapeutic technique balances the musculoskeletal system to promote healing and good health.
The Onsen technique uses methods to analyze and identify these minute structural and functional deformities and helps to correct them. In this manner, it provides long term pain relief and ensures optimum functioning of the different parts of the body.
The Onsen technique assesses structural deviations and joint restrictions combined with Range of Motion testing and muscle strength testing. Trained therapists use The Onsen Technique to correct restricted joints, poor posture and to increase the range of motion of the spine and other affected parts of the body. We assess the structural condition of the body and the form and function of bodily movements to identify areas that are suffering from restrictions. Once these areas are identified, hands on treatment and gentle stretching are carried out to correct these imbalances
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