J.W. Townsend Landscapes, begun in 1983, specializes in garden installation with a specific focus on site analysis, bed preparation, and plant installation. Offering perennials, ground covers, woody ornamentals, and trees, we use high-quality material primarily from growers of the mid-Atlantic and northeast. Quick facts about J.W. Townsend Landscapes: Located in Charlottesville, Virginia. Employs 40–45 exceptional employees. Fulfills high-quality custom contracts with a group of architects and l
andscape architects with whom we have long-standing relationships. Maintains a ratio of 85% custom residential & 15% institutional and commercial. Employs knowledgeable, conscientious, and dedicated people, most being certified in their field. Horticultural experience:
500(+) cumulative years of horticultural experience performing garden installation and analysis. 25 Virginia Certified Horticulturists through the Virginia Nursery and Landscape Association. 3 ISA Certified Arborists. 17 Certified Pesticide Applicators. 1 PLANET (Professional Landcare Network) Certified Landscape Professional. 2 Advanced Virginia Certified Horticulturists through the Virginia Nursery and Landscape Association. Hotpots is our container garden division whose mission is “to create elegant container gardens customized to your life”. Container gardens are a great Eco-friendly way to incorporate greenery and beauty to all areas of your life. Personalize and add instant charm to your wedding, social gathering or other event, provide an economical solution to beautify your store front, office, or restaurant, or create a green space where none previously existed. We can also supply large containerized trees to give your patio a structural element without the expense or long-term commitment of sculpture. We have an enormous selection of seasonally appropriate plants for use in our hotpots as well as a wide variety of containers in different colors, shapes, materials, and sizes. We even have a container maintenance program which includes watering, pest management, fertilization, and the removal and subsequent replacement of plants as needed. You can rent or own a hotpot. Our rental choices for containers and large trees are the affordable alternative for seasonal color all year, and are the perfect enhancement for your next occasion or celebration.
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