Quality ● Value ● Service ● Satisfaction
IMOP Custodial Services (IMOP) provides complete janitorial and related service to commercial, industrial, and institutional customers.
Our uniformed and highly trained professionals are supported by a management team with a wealth of experience in the cleaning industry.
Our employees at every level of the company adhere to a common maxim of excellence in quality, value, service and satisfaction (QVSS). We design customized cleaning program for each c
ustomer based around their needs. Each customer, small or large, benefits from a program that includes training, quality control, scheduling, staffing, reporting systems, and a self-inspection program.
Customers choose IMOP for many reasons that include: Management expertise, cost, experience, and most of all, QUALITY. Through our strength in management, our goal is simple, that is to meet our customer needs.
We design customized cleaning program for each customer based on their needs. Each customer, large or small, benefits from a program that includes training, quality control, scheduling, staffing, reporting systems, and a self-inspection. Customers choose IMOP for many reasons that include management expertise, reasonable cost, depth of experience and most of all, QUALITY.
Call IMOP today at 1-800-974-6620 for a free consultation. Ask about our introductory offer.
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