Super-Sod specializes in quality sod in any quantity: one roll, single or multiple pallets, or truckloads. Our nearby farms grow the best, fresh sod for the Raleigh area. Grasses available as sod: Zenith & Emerald Zoysia, TifGrand & Tifway Bermuda, Elite Tall Fescue, TifBlair Centipede, Mercedes St. Augustine. We also carry grass seed: Zenith Zoysia, TifBlair Centipede, Elite Tall Fescue, and Bermuda types. Our Soil3 organic humus compost contains "nature's nutrients" for all gardening: vegetabl
es, trees & shrubs, flowers, containers, and for topdressing lawns for organic fertilization. Our other products include, but aren't limited to: Doc's Raised Garden Kits, pine straw & mulch, fertilizer, lawn herbicides & pesticides, machetes & other lawn care tools. Stop by to see what we have in person!
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