Real Estate Is Local:
Most buyers purchase a home within 12 miles of their current residence. Our approach is focused and it primarily targets people in the local area that are interested in finding new homes for sale. We print about 168,000 copies of our magazine each year and distribute them in the greater Raleigh, NC area where local buyers can easily find a copy. Featuring one home in our magazine each month for a year provides exposure that is comparable to having 168,000 sales flyers pick
ed up from the front yard of your "inventory" homes.
New Issue Each Month:
Every month a new issue is published... This allows buyers to see new "quick delivery" homes for sale each month. We have a one week lead time which keeps the information current and allows advertisers to utilize a more active print marketing strategy. In addition to having sales flyers available in the front yard of inventory homes, we provide the opportunity to use that same information in a way that will bring people to your sales centers and model homes. The people that can benefit the most by advertising with us include builders, developers, real estate agents and other businesses.
Primary Focus - Quick Delivery Homes:
The format and the content of For Sale by Builder Magazine are designed to meet the needs of today's buyer. The reason "quick delivery" new homes for sale are the primary focus of this magazine is because when people shop for real estate, they are shopping for individual homes. That is what buyers are focused on so that's what we're focused on. We provide a cost effective way to promote new homes for sale and illustrate what is unique about each one of them. For Sale by Builder Magazine is the Triangle's only new home publication featuring individual "quick delivery" new homes.
Internet vs. Print:
We have an online copy of our magazine and a print copy but we do not rely on the internet for results. "The percentage of people who start their real estate search online is over 75%" We see this quote all of the time. Does that mean that advertising online is more effective than all other options? Not always, it depends on your objective. The combination of our aggressive cost structure and our focused approach is unique and the price to return correlation is very attractive, advertising with us should easily pay for itself, ask us how.
New Home Industry Advantage:
Builders are opening up model homes across the greater Raleigh area and there are many new home plans, designs and features that deserve attention. The new home industry has taken advantage of lower land, material and labor rates and is now offering new "quick delivery" homes with extra features, more value and lower price points. It's a great time to build a marketing message around specific new homes for sale in the greater Raleigh, NC area.
People Shop for Homes:
Whether it is online or print, when people shop for real estate, they are primarily interested in comparing homes for sale. For Sale by Builder Magazine is a great place to promote the best or most popular designs. Our approach allows builders and agents an opportunity to show what is unique or different about their specific homes for sale by illustrating the things that make them stand out from the competition.
For Sale by Builder Magazine is broadly distributed across the greater Ralegh, NC area. 95% of our distribution is done indoors and includes all Harris Teeters, Krogers and Food Lions with distribution racks. We also distribute to all three airport terminals, 9 Walmarts, real estate offices, banks, car washes, bowling alleys, aquatic centers, libraries, golf courses, restaurants, hospitals, the farmers market, ice hockey rinks, fitness centers, hotels and many other locations. To look at our distribution map, click here. A copy of the For Sale by Builder Magazine is also available for download on the right side column of our website.
Pick One Up:
We distribute our publication where buyers know to find real estate publications. It is easy to find a copy and easy to search some of the best homes available for "quick delivery", a great new home marketing solution. Pick one up next time you visit your local grocery store and let us know what you think or Email us @ [email protected] and we'll send you a copy in the mail.
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