Dr. Denkin helps your child rediscover the fun of learning and move away from his/her distaste for school. She helps your child begin to enjoy confidence in his own reasons and desire to achieve. The result is that your child begins to enjoy learning as he did when he was small.
Dr. Denkin helps your child develop his own personal model of success by building life skills.
Dr. Denkin's goal for every child is every parent is to feel love and acceptance and for every parent to love and accept
themselves fully. They go hand in hand. Dr. Denkin explains the between becoming the parent you want to be and the parent you actually are stands the wounds you suffered as a child. Her goal to raise your consciousness to those wounds so you do not pass them on to your children.
Dr. Denkin helps you to strengthen yourself within your marriage and build a framework for love and acceptance. Dr. Denkin helps you rediscover your feelings as to why you are married to the person you are married to. She helps you each build a deeper love and respect for each other.
Dr. Denkin's skills began during her many years as an elementary school teacher and dramatics coach. Students from 30 years ago remember their experience in her classroom and now seek her expertise for their children.
Two of Dr. Denkin's son's have also become psychologists in their own right. Dr. Denkin is a noted author and public speaker on issues ranging from childhood development, family relationships, marriage and educational development.
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