is the world's largest family history research firm. We have well over 1,200 professional genealogists, personal historians, private investigators, forensic scientists, DNA experts, religious leaders, university professors/scholars, and archivists working worldwide to solve even the toughest research challenges. We are not limited to the small percentage of records that are online nor to a few local repositories; instead, we access the world's records wherever they are located a
nd in whatever form - whether online or offline, including the over 90% of records that FamilySearch estimates are not online. helps with all forms of family history research for both the living and the deceased, including: • Breaking down brick walls and solving difficult family history challenges • Strengthening and extending family trees • Establishing proof required to join lineage societies • Tracing and identifying bloodlines, such as Native American • Obtaining copies of original documents from archives and libraries • Analyzing complicated and confusing DNA test results offers a complete line of research services, including detailed research, record retrieval, DNA analysis, handwriting analysis, language translation, and book publishing.
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