Please note during COVID-19 we wear masks and gloves and practice social distancing.
Roundhouse Painting Llc is a Tampa Bay Area -based, residential/commercial, Interior/Exterior painting company — Bonded, licensed and insured for both liability and workers compensation. Dedicated to meeting the client expectations by delivering excellent service. We do everything from quick clean-up jobs to detail-oriented high-end projects, single rooms to whole buildings. We also offer rental re-paints of of
fices and living spaces.
At Roundhouse Painting finishing a project is not a problem, We stick with every job until it's done. After completion, we will do a walk-through with you to ensure your satisfaction. We want you to feel that we were the solution to your painting problem.
We make every effort to stick to the plan, but the best laid plans can be affected by factors outside of our control (such as weather or waiting for other trades). We do our best to make accommodations based on time and flexibility . We aim to make it a great experience for all. And check out our Deals for Interior and Exterior Painting projects.
Please call or text for more details 813-966-1795.
Best Regards,
Hector Ortiz /Owner
Professional painter since 1998
Licensed contractor since 2018;S14540
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.roundhousepaintin
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