Rebekah's School of dance is a local dance academy on the west side of the Scranton area. We are located in the old St. Ann's school, right above the "Learn and Grow".
Rebekah Ciannella is the owner and main choreographer.
Rebekah Ciannella has danced and performed for over 20+ years. She grew up in Long Island, New York, where her dancing career began. She has studied under many performers and has had many wonderful opportunities. She loves to pass on all she has learned, studied and perform
ed to her future and current students. She does not stop there. Rebekah has held a passion for dance her whole life and decided to take the opportunity to make a life long career out of it. Not only does she dance, but she puts her whole heart into it. Rebekah is certified in Zumba and is a certified personal trainer.
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