Owner/Teacher: Gia Lisa Krahne is a Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher. She traveled to Salt Lake City to receive her training from the Sambhava School of Yoga (through FLOW Yoga SLC). Her training focused on hatha, flow, Vedic, Anusara, & tantric practices. She combines philosophy, traditional asana (poses), pranayama (control of breath), meditation, and lots of LOVE in all of her practices. In addition, she can weave in preliminary recommendations regarding ayurveda (Indian science of health
& life), jyotish (Indian astrology), sankhya sastra (Indian numerology), mantra (sacred sounds), and japa (chanting). She will tailor your private or group sessions to your own specific goals and needs. If you have special needs or injuries, she will draw on her own knowledge, as well as consult with her many brilliant teachers of the heart and anatomy alike. She is a healer and may integrate focused bodywork/energy movement into your session.
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