Re-Bath is your local bathroom remodeling specialist. Our professional installation process makes remodeling your bathroom easy, convenient and affordable. Our factory-trained installers deliver professional and courteous service every step of the way.
A beautiful, new bathroom doesn’t have to mean weeks of workers, debris and expense. Over 30 years ago, Re-Bath reinvented bathroom remodeling with a quick and convenient solution. Since then, we’ve renovated millions of bathrooms with our high qu
ality DuraBath SSPâ„¢ material cleanly, quickly and affordably without interrupting life at home. And it often takes just a few days to complete your customized bathroom.
Re-Bath presents you with an alternative to worn out bathtubs, outdated tile walls and dingy shower bases. We offer a range of replacement bathtubs, walk-in bathtubs, bathtub to shower conversions and much more. We’re sure you’ll find it’s easier to enjoy a long soak or refreshing shower when you’re surrounded by a freshly renovated bathtub or shower.
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