O'Neil & Manion Architects P.A. is a professional service corporation located in Bethesda, Maryland. Sara P. O'Neil-Manion, AIA and William C. Manion, AIA established the firm in 1977. O'Neil & Manion Architects P.A. enjoys a history of developing distinct and creative solutions for architectural projects. We focus on the client’s needs, and using a discovery and definition phase, which has produced successful results for our clients.
O'Neil & Manion Architects' work has been recognized wit
h design awards and has been featured in Architectural Digest, Architecture, Builder Magazine, Qualified Remodeler, Glass Magazine, Remodeling, The Washington Post Magazine, Washingtonian Magazine, Baltimore Magazine, Southern Living and local publications.
Our services include:
Site evaluation, feasibility and master plan studies, Programming and criteria development and analysis, Full architectural design services from pre-design through construction documents, Space planning and interior design services
Due diligence surveys of existing building, Construction Administration services:
Approval process representation: Commission of Fine Arts, DC-HPRB, DC-BZA, MNCPPC-MC, MNCPPC-PGC, NCPC, Old Georgetown Board, Shady Grove Life Science and others, Post occupancy services, LEED certified personnel for sustainable design, BIM capability and Archicad 3D modeling - twenty years, Please visit our website www.oneilandmanion.com to view examples of our work.
Projects include commercial, residential and other category types.
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