If you are visiting In Balance Neuromuscular Therapy, you have probably sought help through other channels without a satisfactory outcome. Here, every session is unique and tailored to each individual. There are two techniques that are commonly used initially; Spinal Reflex Therapy (SRT) and Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT). SRTquickly identifies and shuts off spinal cord mediated withdrawal reflexes that disrupt how your body is designed to move. NKT reveals compensation patterns that are organized b
y your brain, to keep your body functioning, but will eventually lead to a breakdown in the system. These techniques discover the cause of the complaint and indicate which structures within the body need to be released and which need to be strengthened. For the releases I often use Precision Neuromuscular Therapy and for strengthening I rely on my 15 years of experience as a STOTT certified pilates instructor and my training in SRT exercises. If you don't know where to turn for help, give me a call. I have helped people with a wide variety of complaints including carpal tunnel syndrome, IT band syndrome, chronic headaches, frozen shoulder, knee pain, low back pain, neck pain, upper back pain, hip pain, repetitive use injuries, tendonitis, whiplash, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, rotator cuff and much more.
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