Power Therapeutic Massage strives to provide quality Therapeutic Massage. We have 4 Licensed Massage Therapist on staff to perform a massage that is catered to your individual needs. Whether it is for relaxation or pain management, we have the skill set to help you reach your goals.
Power Therapeutic Massage has a Calm and Relaxing atmosphere without the offensive chemical smells that are in most salons.
We are the only Massage Therapist in the area to offer Tandem Massage, a mirror image mass
age with two Therapists working on you at the same time.
Conveniently located at 1915 S. Banker, Effingham, Il. across from Village Square Mall.
In order to provide quality service to you and to meet your specific needs, we have you fill out an intake form on your first visit, which takes approximately 5 minutes.
It is recommended that you drink plenty of water prior to your Massage appointment (The body receives better if hydrated). We also suggest that you avoid a large heavy meal right before your massage appointment. Afterward plan on relaxing at home in a warm bath with Epsom Salts and performing some gentle stretching exercises. Continue to hydrate the body with water to assist in pushing out toxins out that have been released with your Massage.
Benefits of regular Massage include: pain relief, enhanced mental cognition, sense of well being, euphoria, improved circulation of blood, lymph and Chi (Chinese term for energy), improved complexion & elasticity of skin, increase in range of motion of neck and extremities, improved quality of sleep, enhanced digestion, decreased symptoms of Headache and Sinusitis.
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