Acupuncture is a comprehensive system of medicine that uses hair-thin, sterile needles in specific areas of the body to alleviate pain and to treat a wide variety of health conditions. Karen M. Mastrangelo, MS, LAc, owner and acupuncturist of Acupuncture First, became involved in the medicine after extensive training in Chinese martial arts in New York City under the teaching of Master Fukui Yang. She has competed in Tai Chi and Xin Yi Five Element forms. Having experienced the impact of Chines
e health practices, including acupuncture treatments, she returned to her hometown of Cleveland in 2013 in order to share her knowledge about how Traditional Chinese Medicine can prevent ailments and improve health and well-being. She encourages her patients to participate and to proactively work through exercise and wellness planning to relieve pain and other dis-ease they might have, to restore their overall health and renew their bodies and quality of life.
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