Welcome to Interstate Blood Bank located on the north side of Chicago.
We provide the opportunity for people to earn compensation for the donation of plasma while helping others, assisted by a professional staff in a sterile facility with exceptionally caring service. Through this delicate process there are certain guidelines the donor will have to meet to insure quality samples.
Call for your appointment.
The first donation takes 2 and a half to 3 hours, after that it only takes about
1 and a half to 2 hours. A whole blood donation is much quicker than a plasma donation as your blood is run thru a machine and then all components that are not donated are returned back to you. Of course tubing and all other collection supplies that come in contact with your blood are discarded and replaced with new, sterile materials each time a donation procedure is performed so there is no chance of contamination and it is completely safe to donate your plasma
Save lives today. We are conveniently located at the end of the Brown EL Line. (Kimball & Lawrence)
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