Whether you are looking for a CD of women’s comedy or women’s music in San Jose, CA, Merlin Press has what you are searching for. We carry a wide selection of music and you can sample much of it on our website. Additionally, our store has branched out in new directions and we now offer custom shirts in San Jose, CA. You’ll be thrilled with our fantastic selection and our knowledgeable staff. We take a great joy in discovering new music and have worked with conductor Barbara Day Turner, jazz sing
er, Pamela Polland and many others for music. We are also a part of Who’s Who of American Women and Who’s Who in the World for our music and comedy. We are featured in Smithsonian for our work and also have an award winning poem anthology, too. Our Services Include: Womens Songs, Womens Music, Womens Books, Womens Musicals, Merlin Press, Womens CDs, The Womens Basketball Songbook, She A Tapestry of Womens Lives, Custom Shirts, Music For Women and much more.
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