Study Sparkz offers one-on-one, in home private tutoring in all subjects and all grades, Pre-K through University level. We are staffed by degreed tutors who are experts in their fields, who are all background checked and well qualified to teach their subject matter. We gaurantee the perfect fit with our tutor match process, and gaurantee results. Ask about our full letter grade improvement gaurantee. We also facilitate teacher meetings for better school performance, teach study skills, assess
learning styles, and have every new client meet with an education consultant. Our education consultants will help you and your student set goals, formulate a plan to reach those goals, and help you with the implimentation of the plan until we are successful. For everything from test prep (SAT, ACT, SSAT, TJ Test, GT testing, etc...) to comprehensive education management, call Dan Derbes at Study Sparkz today!
Credit Cards are the preferred billing method, and we bill every two weeks for a pre-defined number of hours based on a recurring schedule that will be set up between the student and education consultant.
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