Allow us to introduce our professional investigative service. Topcopper Investigative Services Inc. Mission Statement: To provide timely, professional and comprehensive investigative results, which are cost effective, aggressive and professional. With over 30 years of in law enforcement and private investigation, all of our investigators are highly trained, experienced professionals.
Our investigative team has conducted well over a 1,000 cases, handling a wide spectrum of investigations incl
uding Civil, Criminal Defense (with Death Penalty), Background, Domestic, Fraud, Asset Location, Skip Tracing, Electronic Bug Sweeping and all situations where surveillance is necessary. Our investigators are prepared to move on command, with top notch, state-of-the-art tools and clandestine devices. Rest assure that each case is handled in strict confidentiality, with the utmost professionalism.
Our team of professionals dig deep to get the job done, with no nonsense, straight forward answers to who, what, when, where, why and how. Topcopper Investigative Services, Inc. will not waste your time or money on information that you don’t need and our services are always available 24/7.
Topcopper Investigative Services, Inc. is confident that you will experience better videos, reports and results. Put your trust in us, call today for your free consultation, without any pressure.
Ernie Mireles
Topcopper Investigative Services, Inc.
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