We have created a warm and inviting atmosphere open to all. If you are new to Yoga, once did yoga and want to come back to the mat or an experienced practitioner...
we have a class for you.
We offer...Vinyasa flow, Gentle Hatha, Yoga/Sculpt, Yoga for Relaxation and Stress Release and Yoga Restoration with guided meditation.
First in the yoga world...
“Share your Practice Rewards Program"-Share the joy and benefits of yoga with friends and family and earn reward "dollars" that can be used for
studio services.
Remember,yoga is about you, your mind and body coming together. In Yoga, there is no competition, we measure in moments not years and in inches not miles, and most of all is to smile and have fun.
Yoga connects the mind and body. Yoga helps you gain concentration, focus, flexibility and stamina.
A great instructor will take you to the point of "comfortable discomfort"...never, ever pain. You will move slowly in your journey to that "ahh" moment...with comfort and a smile!
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