812-219-0101 call or text this number to set up services. We specialize in interior and exterior painting, housecleaning, deep cleaning such as move in/out, and pressure washing decks/driveways. We are fully insured and registered with the state and federally tax compliant. We do NOT offer hauling or moving services as a stand alone service. After many years in the painting & cleaning industry working for others, we realized home owners were either overpaying or not getting the end result they
wanted. As a result, we decided to start our own business so home owners and businesses can be better served. We offer a quick turn around time, but do not compromise our quality of work. We have many employees on staff that are ready to go to work to give you the results you’ve dreamed of, to make your home or place of business feel renewed and fresh! We believe everyone should go home to a place they love to look at and enjoy showing off! We do offer after hours services for those needing work done at their place of business. We do not offer moving/hauling services, and cleaning is only offered in Monroe County and western portion of Owen.
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