Heart-City CPR is a family owned and operated business that specializes in CardioPulmonary Resucitation (CPR) and Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers raining to healthcare professionals, and all Heartsaver courses for people in other industry who need certification for work requirements. Heart- City CPR was founded based on the idea of providing personalized instructions with emphasis on quality and affordability to individuals, groups, and businesses. We adopt the small group form
at for our classes to allow for extra time and individual attention be devoted to students who require additional assistance. Our small class sizes format promotes a less stressful setting in which students are encouraged to ask questions and interact in a non-threatening environment, and has been proven to provide for almost a 100% pass rate. Hence, our classes are shorter and more fun than those generally conducted in hospitals and other large group settings. Our students upon leaving class say that they have learned more in our class than any of their previous classes.
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