Newhall Family Chiropractic's mission is to attract and maintain clients by offering the best care available. Newhall Family Chiropractic is dedicated to helping people regain and maintain control of their health through a holistic approach with the use of Chiropractic and Physiotherapy. Dr. Jacob Pudenz is a chiropractor in Newhall and Keystone, Iowa and is dedicated to getting his patients back to a healthy and pain free lifestyle. Our goal at Newhall Family Chiropractic is to educate our pati
ents on the benefits of Chiropractic care, even more importantly is the benefits of Chiropractic to children. To enhance your child’s ability to function in a greater state of health, we are here to help you and are dedicated to serving children with the utmost of care. Once your family has experienced the many benefits of chiropractic care—please help us tell others!
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