Our highly trained Gastroenterologists are doctors: Brian S. Levitt, M.D. Eduardo da Silveira, M.D. Huy A. Nguyen, M.D., AGAF Huy N. Trinh, M.D., AGAF Jenny Daci (Kuang Daci) Yang, MD Khanh K. Nguyen, M.D. Ruel T. Garcia, M.D. Common diseases we treat include: Esophageal Reflux Disease and Peptic Ulcer Disease Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Crohn's and Ulcerated Colitis) Symptomatic Hemorrhoids Biliary and Pancreatic Disease Liver Disease, including Viral Hepatitis B and C, and Liver Cirrhosis. We
also perform screening for Colon Polyps to aid in the prevention of Colon Cancer. Services Offered:
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