I am a speech language pathologist with a private practice in West Seattle. I have experience in pediatrics, including those with speech problems, stuttering, reading disorders, and non verbal children. I also have experience with adults, including those who have sufferered a stroke, accent modification, and those with low functioning cognitive disorders.
I have experience with a wide variety of children, and look forward to helping all of them communicate to the best of their abilities. I h
ave a strong interest in helping nonverbal children find a functional means to communicate where they might not have otherwise had that opportunity.
I also work with children who have general speech and language delays, articulation delays or disorders, and the infant and toddler age group. Early intervention is key to long term success.
Mission Statement:
Every person deserves a chance to communicate to the best of their ability. It is my mission to provide evidenced based services based on research, clinical experience/expertise, and client input to help them achieve their communication goals.
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