Dr Perih has recently purchased & extensively trained on a Kodak 9000C 3-D Panoramic & Cephalometric System. She has a Masters Degree In Oral Biology & did her research in the field of facial growth & development. Dr. Perih is affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania Orthodontic Dept. & with Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). Dr. Perih & her staff practice the latest techniques in Orthodontics & in Dentofacial Orthopedics. Call us or visit our website at www.perihsmile.com. We trea
t adults & children of all ages. We accept all insurances & have interest free financing.
Initial examinations are free of charge. Dr. Perih is a Preferred Provider of Invisalign & Invisalign Teen. She uses both the Invisable (clear) & Metal Braces called SPEED Bracket Systems & Innovation Clear Brackets by GAC. Dr. Perih utilizes her Masters of Science degree in facial growth to deal with complex cases using early Treatment Phase I Orthodontics involving growth & craniofacial & dental orthopedics.
Her office is efficient & well trained in preventing & treating impacted teeth & congenitally missing teeth. Tooth Whitening Systems such as Zoom, Night White & Rembrandt are utilized. Retainers, Essix, Sleeping Appliances & Bonded Lingual bars are also available. Dr. Perih works hard to maximize your smile & minimize your wrinkles all while improve your periodontal (gingival or gum tissue) health using orthodontics. Let Dr. Perih give you the smile of a lifetime. Call our office today for more information about how Orthodontic treatment can benefit you.
Dr. Perih is a member of the American Association of Orthodontists, the American Dental Association , Chair of the Make-A -Wish Gala & numerous other professional & charitable organizations.
0% Financing
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