CBZCLEANBREEZE offers residential and commercial cleaning at its best. We have a staff of two people and offer services for cleaning and if there are services not seen please ask so we can determine if these services can be offered in the future. I prefer to do walk through to offer the best reliable quote to all of my clients and work with their budgets. Many times these budgets can be arranged to fit the clients needs. Our rates are based on a visual walk through, and deep cleans are offered f
or double the rate of a normal cleaning. It is possible these rates can be adjusted to fit the needs of the clients budget. Depending on the physical condition of the home and size most rates vary between $75 - $125. In some case there will be times when rates drop below the lesser of $75, and can be as low as $60. The best part of choosing CBZCLEANBREEZE is that we offer a cleaning for far less than the competitor and our cleaning tactics are very thorough.
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