Why Client Prefer PC SOLVER ?
Just because PC Solver believe in Client satisfaction doing everything in our power to provide Clients with the best solution and Client education. Weston fast service, weston PC repair
We provide the right solution and the best for the Client needs explaining every step on the procedure.
PC Solver always invests in our company procuring new tools, studding new software and is actualized with the new technology.
PC Solver is committed to helping you around th
e clock to find the problem and also give you the most accurate and reasonable solution in the shortest amount of time possible.
We always respond to your calls 24/7, and able to visit you the same day in the two hours turnaround since the call is received and approved.
We can help with any computer problem, Mac and Windows- Flat rate computer repairs available.
Work by appointment ONLY.
WE COME TO YOU at no extra COST.
FREE ESTIMATES when computer DROPs at our location.
FREE antivirus install for a YEAR with any service.
FREE interior/exterior case cleaning with service.
We are Proud member of the Weston Area Chamber of Commerce since 2001 and working in Weston since then. For referrals call the chamber www.westonchamber.com
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