*Thank you for chosing Brishila Creative of Lreaning* Brishila Creative of Lreaning a small home famliy daycare that offers a safe and nurturing environment where your child/children will get the attenion and care that he/she need . I understand the importance of excellent childcare. I strive to provide that excellence everyday with every child. My ratio of children to adults is always within the state guidelines. I make certain each child receives top quality care. I’m state licensed as a home
daycare faility and have met all health and safe guidelines. Now Accepting Enrollment OPEN 6:00AM TO 11:00 PM MONDAY THROUGH Statuary (FULL TIME, PART TIME, DROPOFF /UP PICK, DROP IN WELCOME) 10 Years Experience as daycare provider 4 Years Experience as preschool teacher Accepting CHILDREN 6 DAYS OLD – 12 YEARS *COST IS DETERMINE ON YOUR INCOME*
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