Drake Book Inc. talent includes actors, models, and musicians both on a national and international level for the fashion & entertainment industry. A portion of the fees go to our Non-Profit organization, Project Dreams Inc. A program that funds underprivileged children by providing them an opportunity to participate in Performing arts and sports which will assist them in growing up to be productive members of society. Keeping the off the streets out of drugs and gangs.
In addition to our booki
ng agents who work closely with casting companies ,we have established a site that allows clients seeking talent in these industries to post casting auditions, jobs for specific industry needs for FREE providing you a management system to manage your entire casting, you can see who has applied for your job, categorize the talent and monitor your posting it also allows you to search our qualified talent database of members that have posted their photos, video's and resume allowing them to be "seen" by casting directors, agents & clients all over the world that otherwise may not have been seen.
We also provide birthday parties, event make-up, photography, classes, coaching, wedding photography & much much more!
Our mission has been and will always remain to represent talent in an upstanding manner; as well as, to promote a healthy alternative to crimes and violence.
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