I am a prosthodontic dental specialist; I specialize in prosthodontic dental implant, esthetic (cosmetic)and reconstructive (rehabilitation)dentistry.
I have over 30 years experience in clinical prosthodontics and I am a memeber of the American College of Prosthodontists. From 1990 to 1996 I taught in the graduate prosthodontic program at the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry.
Our specialized services include: cosmetic complete and partial dentures (Swissdent or Geneva dent
ures, Hydrocast dentures), maxillofacial prosthodontics (dental treatment following cancer oral/facial surgery and congentital defects such as cleft palate), cosmetic fixed bridges, crowns, fillings (metal free), porcelain veneers, "Lumineers", dental implants, dental implant crowns, dental implant bridges, dental implant dentures, dental implant partial dentures and complex treatment for reconstructive problems to restore chewinbg function, cosmetics and dental health.
I am a master dental technician with a complete dental laboratory in the office, only specialized laboratory services are sub-cotracted out to the best dental laboratories in the U.S.A. All removable prosthetic devices are injection molded for extreme accuracy.
To complement our clinical services we offer total sedation for all of our clinical treatment,from simple oral sedations in conjunction with inhaled nitrous oxide to total IV sedation with a dental anesthesiologist.
I am cerified by all of the major dental implant manufacturers in all phases of dental implant treatment. Dental implant treatment diagnoses and treatment plans are confirmed with i-CAT Scan radiographic studies and a comprehensive dental physical.
Plasma Rich in Growth Factor, PRGF, is utilzed with dental implant treatment grafting procedures to insure success in sterile dental implant treatments.
We offer the PerioProtect method of non-surgical periodontal treatment and periodontal maintainence as well as full preventive care from our excellent dental hygienist Michelle Whitmore RDH.
We provide the patient with accurate and detailed documentation for all dental insurance plans; however, propective clients need to inquire and/or get the proper referral for "out of plan" treatment needed from a dental specialist.
Special third party financing is available through Care Credit and Chase Financial.
A 10% discount is offered for all Angie's List Members off of our published usual, customary and reasonable fees for specialized prosthodontic procedures.
Dr. West has an excellent working relationship with primary care general dentists, medical and dental specialists.
Dr. West is licensed in Arizona #4633, Texas #9461 and North Carolina #3515. He has successfully completed licensure examinations for the Central Regional and Northeast Regional Boards.
He graduated from Georgetown University School of Dentistry and completed Dental Internship Training with the Veterans Administration Hospital in Augusta, GA, Residency Training in Prosthodontics at the Va Center, Leavenworth, KS, Graduate School Diploma in Prosthodontics from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry.
Dr. West provides a complimentary consultation to all prospective clients to get aquainted and help in the decision making process for their dental treatment needs.
Larry H. West DDS
Practice Limited to Prosthodontics
Implant, Esthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry
1104 North El Dorado Place
Tucson, AZ 85715
[email protected], tucsondentalimplantsmiles.net, snorenomoretucson.net
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