3rd Day Hay was established in 2016 and opened it's first store in the horse capital of the world Ocala, FL. 3rd Day Hay prides themselves for providing the highest quality hay to their customers. They sell a variety of hay: alfalfa hay, timothy alfalfa hay, orchard alfalfa hay, timothy grass, tifton and bermuda coastal. They are also an authorized dealer for Standlee Feeds and Queen Pine Shavings.
They are able to provide their customers with quality hay because they have a relationship with t
he farmers that make their hay and also send their own drivers to pick up each load of hay. The drivers are able to look at each truck load making sure their customers are getting the best hay. Majority of their hay is made in Wyoming, Montana, Ontario, Utah and Colorado. These regions are known for making the best quality hay.
3rd Day Hay also offers delivery to their clients in Ocala and throughout Marion County. They also offer weekly deliveries to Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Palatka, Daytona, Cocoa, Orlando and Tampa.
3rd Day Hay has an outstanding sales team and customer service. They make sure each customer is treated equally regardless of their order size. Customers can conveniently order hay, shavings and feed by going into their store, by telephone, email or even through social media.
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