Let us take care of your "to-do" list! With decades of field experience, we bring our knowledge into your home. Our skill set is wide ranging from tiling (backsplashes, showers, walls) to installing/repairing trim and flooring to making sure your kitchen cabinets fit perfectly. (And SO much more!) We also love a challenge! Need something custom fitted or need some help reconfiguring your space? We'd be happy to help. What makes us stand out, first and foremost is our level of skill in the field.
It is truly unmatched and we stay busy year round because our customers know we bring quality to their projects. The second thing that makes us stand out is our customer service. Most handymen don't have office support - it's typically a one-man operation. That means delayed or forgotten communications, delayed estimates/invoices and a backup on projects. This is not a one-man operation! When we communicate, we give you all the resources to reach EVERYONE, not just the handyman. We want you to be able to reach us when you have a question or want to connect about something. We understand that inviting someone into your home can be stressful - but it doesn't have to be. Connect with us and let us get your "to-do" list done! **Division of LL Construction.
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