Tri-County Chiropractic is a growing and innovative chiropractic practice with two office locations in
Berks County and Lancaster County. 3 Chiropractors that offer a variety of care. We also have 6 Licensed Massage Therapists and 1 Physical Therapist.
We successfully treat a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions including; sprain/strain injuries,
neck, low back and mid back pain, sciatica, disc degeneration/herniation's, pinched nerves, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, TMJ dysfunction, w
rist/elbow tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, and scoliosis. We are also very involved within the local community to educate patients and offer workshops on various topics such as; ergonomics, posture, and healthy lifestyle tips.
Our office specializes in muscular therapies, we have massage therapists on staff full time that work on each of our patients during treatment. In our office it is very important to us to treat our patients as a whole and offer a variety of treatment modalities to ensure that each patient receives a treatment plan that is specifically catered to their condition. The chiropractors also perform muscle work including trigger point therapy, massage, myofacial release, NIMMO Technique and postisometric relaxation. We provide patients with rehabilitation exercises and education on exercise training to maximize their recovery. The chiropractic adjustments range from light musculoskeletal mobilizations for more fragile conditions, to high velocity manipulations when a more aggressive treatment is warranted. We also have traction and spinal decompression tables in the office available for treatment when medically necessary.
Additionally, we incorporate physiotherapy into our treatments including electric muscle stimulation, hot/cold packs and ultrasound.
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