Our web site (www.entallergymd.com) reflects and expresses our philosophy of providing personalized quality services within our state-of-the-art facility. We embrace our patients with compassion and honesty.
The most important part of being a physician is to diagnose correctly and educate our patients completely. Armed with that, patients are empowered to choose the best path for their treatment. For us, that includes a full discussion about traditional as well as cutting-edge treatments,
including medication, immunotherapy, or surgery.
As our name describes, we uniquely practice both ENT and Allergy, since many ENT problems are manifestations of an undiagnosed or under treated allergic process.
ENT stands for ear, nose & throat or otorhinolaryngology. The official name of the specialty is Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery. The specialty includes adult and pediatric problems within otology (ear) and audiology (hearing tests and hearing aids), rhinology (nose and sinuses), and laryngology (throat and voice). It includes diagnosis and treatment of snoring and sleep apnea, facial plastic surgery, and allergy.
Allergy services we provide include diagnosis with skin tests and RAST blood test, and treatment with medications and/or immunotherapy. We are expert at both standard subcutaneous immunotherapy (allergy shots) and sublingual immunotherapy (oral allergy drops).
Please browse our website and communicate with us how we can make further improvements for your benefit. We look forward to taking care of you.
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