Businesstube is a company that specializes in the Ultimate target marketing and driving new business to your doorstep. Businesstube is the first online business only directory that provides the business with 24 hours a day 7 days a week advertisement! Not only that but with the customer portal you will have the ability to change your advertising video as often as you would like whenever you would like. We offer two GREAT packages!
Our first package is the Best of the Best!
In this package you w
ill have up to ten minutes of video uploads that can contain customer testimonials, show customers and facility, and give you more exposure. We provide HD video uploads. You will be in top placement in user searches which will give you more exposure and you will have a higher ranking on You will receive video reviews and responses and have a customizable business page. We do not charge a set up fee or production fee. We can create a video for you or you can create your own. We add free search optimization tags to increase web trafficking to your website. You can change your commercial at anytime. This package is $99/month. You can keep that price for the lifetime of your account and there is no annual contracts!
Our second package is Validated.
In this package you will have up to five minutes of video uploads. You will receive a higher placement in searches, and have video reviews and responses. You can also have a customizable business page. There is no set up fee or production fee. You will have free search optimization tags. You are also allowed to change your commercial at anytime. This package is $20/month. You can keep that price for the lifetime of your account and there is no annual contracts!
We can also provide you with a free sample of what your video would look like if you are interested.
If you compare Businesstube to Yellowpages with yellowpages you are going to spend $596/mo for a 45 second video! With Businesstube you will find that the service more than pays for itself! It will save you hundreds of dollars per month on your monthly marketing expenses while driving new customers. We also get a quarter of a million hits per day!
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